Affiliate Link – Timeless Toys
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I first discovered Timeless Toys: Classic Toys and the Playmakers Who Created Them* back in 2007 or 2008 while visiting Half-Price Books. Ever since then it has been one of my favorite books about toys, primarily because the book goes into fantastic detail about the creation of several of the greatest toys of the twentieth century.
I recently discovered that the book is missing from our collection — did I loan it out? — and rather than take a chance of missing out I instantly ordered a replacement copy. The book truly is fantastic and highly recommended if you’re wondering at all about where Lincoln Logs, Slinky, Scrabble, Monopoly, Candy Land, or several other toys and games came from.
For a preview of what you can find inside Timeless Toys* I suggest checking out the five minute audio interview with the author, Tim Walsh, over at the NPR site.