Say Hello to Our New Sponsor

If you look over at the left you’ll see a new ad here at Let’s all say thank you to our new sponsor, Big Bad Toy Store, who is trying us out for a month. If sales and traffic generated from are strong enough for the guys at Big Bad Toy Store then they’ll be back.

And if they come back then that means I get more toys. Which means that I have more toys to review. It’s a cycle, you see.

6 thoughts on “Say Hello to Our New Sponsor

  1. Congrats!!! Hooray for sponsers!!! Click and buy everyone Click and buy like the wind

  2. Thanks, guys. I’ve ordered from BBTS several times in the past (they’re were I got all of my Quintesson toys) and I’ve even sold some old toys to them before, so it was cool when they contacted me about advertising.

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