1982 Masters of the Universe Video Game Ad

One section of my new book, Each Sold Separately (Kickstarter project), talks about the comic ads of the eighties and how comics were used to sell us toys. And with comics and advertising in mind this Masters of the Universe video game ad caught my eye recently and just had to be shared. I have never in my life played the game, but I am fairly sure that this ad is far more entertaining than the game could have been to play.

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1 thought on “1982 Masters of the Universe Video Game Ad

  1. I used to buy my fair share of late 1980s/early 1990s comics from the local second-hand bookstore. I still remember seeing so many ads for games that looked amazing but were actually probably crap!

    Silver Surfer — 3 Mega Firepower!: http://videogamecomicads.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/silver-surfer-1990-nes.html

    I also remember one for a ninja game, “Wrath of the Black Manta”, which had a mail-away offer for a poster. “PUT THE FORCE OF ONE ON YOUR WALL!”
    Can’t find the ad online, unfortunately — which is a shame, it was pretty 80s-tastic.

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