Dark Empire in the April, 1993 Dark Horse Insider
I’ve mentioned Dark Horse Insider a couple of times before (“Classic Star Wars #1 Preview from 1992”, “Aliens: Colonial Marines #1 Preview from 1993”) and as I work on my Universe Expanded book (Kickstarter page) I find myself happy that I tend to save some very random things.
![Enlarge Image!](https://www.battlegrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/insider01-450x704.jpg)
The April, 1993 issue of Dark Horse Insider (which states it was published in March of 1993) promotes the release of the Dark Empire comics in trade paperback. We’ve come a hell of long way in the past two decades, with Kenner collapsing into Hasbro, Star Wars comic books moving back to Marvel, and more Star Wars films and cartoons in existence today than before this issue of Dark Horse Insider was first published. Wow.
And as if the Dark Empire page (above) wasn’t enough for us here’s the cover to the issue. Yep, that’s an Aliens cover . . . and it’s awfully sweet.
![Enlarge Image!](https://www.battlegrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/insidercover-450x695.jpg)
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