Spotted Online – Star Wars: Rebels Imperial Troop Transport Video Review

A lot of the reason Star Wars: Rebels caught my attention was the addition of the Imperial Troop Transport* to the line. Really, Hasbro? That’s fantastic! Way to dig into the past and bring a great old toy to kids today. And after loving both the Wookiee two-pack (review here) and the Cikatro Vizago and IG-RM two-pack (review here) there’s no way I will stop searching for this vehicle until I find it in stores.

For a close look at the toy check this video review from reviewer Jay C. All this video review does is make me want the Imperial Troop Transport* even more than I already did; Hasbro’s doing a great job of honoring the Kenner tradition with this line and I am now starting to hope for a Dewback in this line. Maybe we can get a variant that’s designed more like the original Kenner Dewback than the 1997 creature design. Please?