Video Review – Star Wars: Rebels AT-DP

After yesterday’s review of the Star Wars: Rebels AT-DP Driver (review here) it only felt fitting that I share the actual Star Wars: Rebels AT-DP* toy with you guys. I’ve also been experimenting with sound and video in the new workspace at home, so this review is being presented as a short (under two minute) video.

The approach to the video was inspired by Adam at and his short toy videos. This is substantially longer than the ten or so short videos he posts, but it was watching a few of his videos that led me to try this out.

I hope you find this useful and entertaining!

2 thoughts on “Video Review – Star Wars: Rebels AT-DP

    1. @Matthew Miller – Thanks! And don’t worry, photo/text reviews are not going away. I just want to experiment with some audio and video work.

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