Success! Empire of Shadows Book Now 64-Pages

From the first day my Universe Expanded book has been planned as a 96-page hardcover, and now that the first stretch goal for the project has been unlocked the Empire of Shadows book is 64-pages. That means I have more pages in the book to explore Kenner’s 1996 Shadows of the Empire action figures and vehicles, which is a great thing since we want the photos to be as large as possible.

The Kickstarter project closes Monday, April 6 and at the moment I feel everything is on track for both hardcovers to be delivered in August of this year. The next stretch goal is at $8,000, so please take a look at the project today and don’t forget that once released everyone benefits; I will be releasing both books as free PDFs so that all of us can use these as references in the future.

Universe Expanded: Kenner's 1998 Star Wars Action Figures -- Kicktraq Mini