Parker Brothers’ Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Video Game Ad

Is it wrong of me to say that this Empire Strikes Back video game never really was all that great of a game? The ad is pretty sweet, and the fact that this particular instance was scanned from the back cover of Marvel’s Blade Runner #1 comic (October, 1982) makes it all the cooler, but the game was kinda lame. Sorry, young me, but it’s true.

This game is one small reason why the entire video game market ended up collapsing when it did. The Parker Brothers Empire Strikes Back game alone didn’t take down the industry, but with so many bad games flooding the market every terrible title just wore down the average consumer until they simply quit buying millions of dollars worth of games.

I won’t think about what would have happened in there had been less greed and more “let’s make great games” attitudes in the early eighties. Instead I’ll just admire the old ads and move on with my life.

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3 thoughts on “Parker Brothers’ Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Video Game Ad

  1. Now THAT’s a fun ad! Great use of foreshortening in the battle scene as well as with the cartridge itself. Makes the game even more exciting. Great color palette too.

  2. Really? I’ve always had a soft spot for it. It’s not like the Atari could’ve done much to recreate the film. So building around one of the more iconic scenes makes sense. (Of course, I haven’t played it since I was six. So maybe my memories are rose-colored.)

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