2007 Mattel Toy Recalls Unlisted in Wikipedia Article?

The toy recalls of 2007 will no doubt haunt the toy and game industry for years to come. I had thought that the Wikipedia article on the recalls would be a perfect link to share, but in looking at the article I see that — for reasons I cannot understand — the section on toys neglects to mention the Mattel recalls of that year. If you see the Mattel website list of recalls you will find eleven entries in 2007 alone. Why, exactly, does the Wikipedia article not list Mattel as one of the companies under the section on toys?

Anyway, it was finding this CIO magazine article from October 15, 2007 that even led me to check online for information related to the 2007 toy recalls. The article is interesting and all, but I have to wonder why that Wikipedia article downplays the level of Mattel recalls.

And the most recent Mattel 2007 recall reference currently on the page is a CNN article from August 14 of that year. What about later recalls that year, such as this Washington Post article about a September recall? And Mattel itself lists a lead paint recall in October of that year.

Why is the Wikipedia article failing to point to these recalls?

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