“The New Software Adventures of Batman”

From a 1990 issue of Compute Magazine comes this ad for the Data East Batman video game of the day. I love how these old computer game ads show the actual gameplay screens small, devoting the largest chunk of space to artwork that you would never see in a game at that time.

Did anyone out there ever play this game? I can’t even remember seeing this before, which isn’t too surprising considering how many things were eating up brainspace back at that time. 1990? That was 25 years ago. A long, long time. I’m old.

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2 thoughts on ““The New Software Adventures of Batman”

  1. I owned the Commodore 64 version of this game back in the day. We could never get it to play right ever. It and the X-Men: Murderworld game both taunted us that way.

  2. This ad is sooo familiar – I feel like I must have played the game at a friend’s house. Either that or I just stared at the ad for hours wishing I had a computer.

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