Grant Morrison Joins Heavy Metal

Big and unexpected news out of the world of comics this week as Heavy Metal magazine ( search*) announces that Grant Morrison has taken the role of editor-in-chief. Entertainment Weekly has the story, and even though I’ve never been a dedicated follower of the magazine I’m curious to see where this goes.

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Not surprisingly, the owners of the magazine/brand have much larger plans for the work than just a new editor. The EW article also goes into dreams of launching Heavy Metal as an entire world of films, television, and “other media.” Seems everyone wants to create lifestyle brands these days . . .

While Morrison works reinvigorate Heavy Metal magazine, Krelitz and Boxenbaum are looking to build up Heavy Metal in other media. There’s now a Heavy Metal record label with BMG. There are television shows in various stages of development. And Krelitz is mapping out a bold plan for a shared movie universe, comprised of different Heavy Metal-branded franchises, analogous to the Marvel Studios and DC Entertainment philosophy.