Judge Dredd in Popular Science

There are days I feel like the only person who finds fun in the 1995 Judge Dredd film (Amazon.com search*). I won’t argue that the newer Dredd movie is the better of the two, but the costumes and sets of that 1995 work are far superior to the newer film.

That makes the Judge Dredd snippet in this 1995 issue of Popular Science a bit of fun for me; I should dig out the old “making of” book and see what else they have in there on the construction of these futuristic taxis.

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2 thoughts on “Judge Dredd in Popular Science

  1. I’m with you, always loved the props in this movie, there’s so many cool things in this film. It’s just hard to get around Rob Schneider.

  2. Only 3.5L 180 HP!? How the heck does that engine even get that beast to move? The body must be made of styrofoam.

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