“Big Rush on Critical Assignment Arms”

You’ve just gotta love this 1976 newspaper article from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It’s all about toys and the expected hot items for the year, and roughly half of the way through the article we find Kenner’s Six Million Dollar man action figures and accessories. Turns out the Six Million Dollar Man action figure and the Bionic Transport and Repair Station toys were tough to find in 1975, and according to the article:

“Kenner, the company that makes them [Six Million Dollar Man toys], also expects a big rush on Critical Assignment Arms for Col. Austin, hero of the TV series.”

It’s pieces exactly like the Critical Assignment Arms (see Toys You Had) that attracts me to Kenner’s Six Million Dollar Man series. These accessories, as well as the Bionic Adventure Sets, were made specifically for play and really added depth to the line. We don’t get stuff like this today, and I continue to be sad that “Outfit Sets” aren’t a standard accessory for action figure lines.

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