Affiliate Link – Star Wars: Carcassonne

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When it was first announced, Star Wars: Carcassonne* caught my eye because it was such an unexpected pairing. Carcassonne is a wonderful game, but a Star Wars tile-placement game? Weird! Still, not so weird that I haven’t ordered a copy for myself. Now to wait for the mail to arrive!

Carcassonne: Star Wars combines the exciting adventures of the Star Wars universe with the gameplay of Carcassonne, with the known rules of the game being simplified through clever changes that bring an entirely new feel to the game. This is similar to Carcassonne but with Roads replaced with Trading Routes and claimed by Merchants instead of Robbers, Cities replaced with Asteroid Fields and claimed by Explorers instead of Knights and Cloisters replaced with Planets and claimed by Conquerers instead of Monks. There is no farming equivalent.

Faction symbols (Empire, Rebel Alliance and Bounty Hunters) provide scoring bonuses regardless of what faction your Meeples belong to. Majority control is determined by dice rolling with the highest result rather than the sum determining the winner, although tiebreaks and defeats still provide some points.