Quintesson Prosecutor Arrived – Wow, neat toy . . .

Quintesson ProsecutorQuintesson Prosector. Image from bigbadtoystore.com.
Quintesson Prosector. Image from bigbadtoystore.com.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I ordered one of Impossible Toy’s Quintesson Prosecutors from Big Bad Toy Store. Yesterday, just as I was pulling up in the driveway, the UPS driver dropped off a package that included the Prosecutor. After dinner I grabbed the camera, snapped a few shots of the box, and then tore into the packaging, anxious to see what the Prosecutor looked like in person.

Simply wonderful. He feels solid, looks great, and is going to make an excellent addition to the collection. I’ll work up an actual review soon but, for now, the short review boils down to: Buy this toy if you’re a Transformers fan and have always wanted a Quintesson.

Now I really want the Quintesson Judge.

4 thoughts on “Quintesson Prosecutor Arrived – Wow, neat toy . . .

  1. @updatedude – “Coolness, eager to hear your thoughts. “

    I should have something posted next week. He’s surprisingly sturdy, even if the box was falling apart on me. (I have to admit, the cheap box had me worried at first.)

    @De – “So I guess you won’t be feeding him to the Sharkticons?”

    Nope. I did take him to the office today, though.

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