Score!!! Original Transformers Generation 2 Comic Art by Derek Yaniger

Ever since the series was first published, the artwork of Derek Yaniger in Marvel’s Transformers Generation 2 comic series (find at*) has delighted me. The leaking lubricants, tattered wires, twisted metal, and dark violence of the artwork looks amazing, and now I can happily report that I have one of the original pages from the first issue. This is totally getting framed and going in my office!

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3 thoughts on “Score!!! Original Transformers Generation 2 Comic Art by Derek Yaniger

  1. Great pick up Phil!

    Those comics are still special to me as well, was just getting into comics age than, and my love of Transformers was still super strong.

    Loved that all the autobots were draped in ammo belts, guns and grenades.

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