Spotted Online – Daniel Goffin’s Russian Resin Tank

Over at the October Toys forum, artist Daniel Goffin (website, Twitter) has shared photos and information on a (roughly) 5-inch tall resin toy tank that looks beautiful.

Click to visit the October Toys forum.
Click to visit the October Toys forum.

Very nice design. And, as I’ve let on before, I have a weakness for Soviet-style paint jobs. I know it’s wrong, but those reds always look great. The tank driver’s also goofy and cute, but it’s the tank that really caught my eye.

1 thought on “Spotted Online – Daniel Goffin’s Russian Resin Tank

  1. The tank driver is a tribute to Cheburashka – an russian stop motion animation from the 70ies – the story is that it´s the most ugliest toy and nobody wanna have it until Crocodile Gena comes and they become best friends. In the late 90ies some japanese company jumped on it and reissued it as a plush toy and some other toys.

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