Couple of Tiny Additions to the Site

I’ve added a couple of new widgets over there at the left. The first, at the top, allows you to quickly link to any page here at by clicking on the appropriate icon. (Wanna post at Twitter, click the Twitter icon.) It’s a minor addition, but hopefully it will spur some new traffic.

Below that, beneath the recent comments section, you’ll see random images. Click any image you see there to visit the related post. This should help some of you who are new to the site get a look at the older content.

As I said, these are just tiny additions. Nothing spectacular.

2 thoughts on “Couple of Tiny Additions to the Site

  1. @TAO – Thanks. I’m already finding myself getting use out of the randomized images; with over 1,000 posts here at the site there are some that I had forgotten about.

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