Update on Books

I’ve got two book projects active at the moment, and today’s a special day for both of these new titles.

Collect These Figures and Accessories – This book dedicated to Star Wars newspaper ads of the seventies and eighties is scheduled to ship from the printer today. I should have all of the books tomorrow, and then I’ll start packing and mailing books to the project supporters this weekend. If everything goes right then many of the book supporters will start receiving their rewards next week.

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Action Figure Carrying Cases – The second PDF of the entire book was sent to backers this morning for one last review. By the end of this week my latest book will be officially at print, and I should see the proofs next week and finished books around the end of August. This 176-page book is packed with over eighty action figure carrying cases and everything is shaping up wonderfully!

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What’s next? I’ve got some busy months ahead at the office, so at the moment it looks unlikely that I’ll have another book for several months. This doesn’t mean I won’t be working on something as I have time, but it is seriously unlikely that anything I’m working on will be at a state I’m ready to share it with the public until . . . well, it’s gonna be a few months. Maybe more. The busy season at the office is about to strike and devastate my free time and energy.

I hope you guys are enjoying these books!