Fisher-Price Adventure People Turbo Hawk and Sea Shark 1982 Newspaper Advertisement
December 1, 1982. Here we find the Fisher-Price Adventure People on sale for the holidays, with the Turbo Hawk kit and Sea Shark boat each priced at $8.97, again showing us how very much toy we got for our dollars way back in the eighties.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: the Adventure People toy line is the best action figure toy line ever. Imaginext is also pretty great, but I would buy my son everything they offered if they found a way to revive Adventure People.
@rosewater – Maybe Mattel will realize how amazing the Adventure People line was and take a stab at bringing it back to life. Imaginest is fantastic, yes, but I agree that it doesn’t quite compare to the Adventure People.
The ubiquitous generic space characters and vehicles mingled with my Star Wars guys quite nicely. And some times my friends in 3 3/4″ land would need a Winnebago or a dirtbike for some reason. Adventure People, likely hand me downs, mixed in with my action figures for years. When I was 8 or 9 a friend had told me the translucent blue female droid was from Buck Rogers, and being only vaguely familiar with the name I believed this for years. Occasionally I would find Tonka Play People in my friends’ toys as well, but they were not as good and definitely not as diverse.
Also, I’ve always wanted a clawtron!