“All G.I. Joe 25% Off” in 1977
December 17, 1977. I think that we can safely say that by Christmas of 1977, when this ad ran, Hasbro’s G.I. Joe: Adventure Team series was dead at retail. Hasbro continued to push the line and try to improve its sales rankings, but as we learn in GI Joe: The Story Of America’s Movable Fighting Man*, the late seventies were not a good time G.I. Joe. Fortunately, Hasbro made the right steps just five years later and brought G.I. Joe back in a successful format, but this 1977 ad featuring the evil Intruders is from a dark time in G.I. Joe’s sales history . . . a time we do not want to ever forget.
For more of the Intruders, don’t miss this page at vintage3djoes.com.