Mike Mignola Fantasy RPG Artwork from 1983

When it comes to fantasy adventure and the artwork of Mike Mignola, many out there may immediately think of his different Lankhmar books* — both comics and illustrated fiction — that was published two decades ago. Mignola’s take on Leiber’s Fafhrd and The Gray Mouser characters will always be what I picture when thinking of those stories, and every bit of work Mignola did on that series stands out even today.

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Fortunately, a bit of digging into the history of roleplaying games reveals even earlier fantasy artwork by Mike Mignola. The four illustrations shown here are all from issue #31 of the Different Worlds roleplaying magazine of the eighties, one of those forgotten publications that is keeping all sorts of great game history safe for future generations to one day uncover. History which, as you can see, includes amazing Mike Mignola artwork.

Click through for all of the Mignola artwork from the article “The Sunstone Multiverse” from Different Worlds.

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