1994 Mekton Zeta RPG Advertisement from Mecha Press

For not getting deep into the Mekton roleplaying game (find at Amazon.com*) when I was a kid, I’m certainly sharing enough of the old Mekton advertisements here at battlegrip.com. I think that’s because my brain keeps telling me that I missed out on something insanely fun when I was younger and I want to try and capture those old days as best I can.

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This ad for the Mekton Zeta edition of the game comes from issue 15 of Mecha Press, the amime/mecha/gaming magazine published by Ianus Press and arguably the reason that the Heavy Gear game and setting was created in the mid-nineties. I may have missed out on Mecha Press when it was new, but these days I have a complete collection and I’m not afraid to jump in and uncover bits of fun I missed out on two decades ago.