I’m Glad Firefly Never Did Anything For Me

I tried watching the Firefly series* when it hit DVD but I just couldn’t get into the storyline or setting. And that meant that when Serenity** came out I just didn’t even bother trying to watch it. I know the series has several fans, but I never saw what they see in it.

Which is a good thing right about now, because if I was a fan of the series I would no doubt be drooling on this $2,699.99 Serinity statue*** that’s up for pre-order now at Sideshow Collectibles. Wait a minute. $2,700 for a statue? Yeah, I guess I read the number right.

Click to visit Sideshow Collectibles.
Click to visit Sideshow Collectibles.
Click to visit Sideshow Collectibles.
Click to visit Sideshow Collectibles.

Massive and impressive, this thing comes packed with 32 working lights and is 19-inches long. And Sideshow piled on the love, with tiny crew visible through the windows, a remote control for the lighting, a signed base . . . you know, it’s an impressive statue but I can’t think of any statue that could get me to spend $2,700. After all, if I wouldn’t even spend the $1,400 for a life-size Clone Trooper statue (mentioned here) then there’s probably no toy that I would spend that much cash on. Well, maybe a motorcycle (but that’s gonna be more than $1,400 or $2,700).

Click to visit Sideshow Collectibles.
Click to visit Sideshow Collectibles.

Limited to 1,000 copies, I’m sitting here wondering just how long it’s going to take them to sell all 1,000 pieces. Are there really 1,000 Firefly fans out there with $2,700 to spend on a giant statue?

(And my favorite part has to be the limit of 2 per customer. If it was me I wouldn’t have any limit; anyone with enough money to buy 17 of these should be allowed to pony up the dough.)

*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn battlegrip.com cash, which is applied to buying toys.
**Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn battlegrip.com cash, which is applied to buying toys.
***Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn battlegrip.com cash, which is applied to buying toys.

4 thoughts on “I’m Glad Firefly Never Did Anything For Me

  1. I am a “Firefly” & “Serenity” fan. (We fans call ourselves Browncoats, BTW.) Even if I were able to pony up the money needed to get just one, I would not bother. She was an okay design, but did not have the right angles, features, whatever to make her cool in my eyes.
    Many compare the Serenity to the Millennium Falcon as she’s a cargo ship that was now being used for some shady deals, and has a ragtag crew of ruffians running her outside the law. (Even though I’m 27, I still don’t have any love for the Falcon, pardon me.)

    The reason I liked “Firefly” was because of its sharp writing- witty, humorous, dramatic, emotional, thought-provoking. I too believe Fox had no idea what the hell they were doing when they prematurely canceled it after airing only 12 episodes (all out-of-order, no less), and saw it after the boxed DVD set came out.

    Now, all the features of this model are beautifully integrated and designed, I’m sure. But, as a Browncoat, I would not get one.

  2. Just take a look at some of the groups that meet up at conventions like DraginCon… they are numerous and they are loaded. Some of them spend that much on a costume and replica guns without batting an eye. How does one get a job that pays like that???

    I’m a Firefly fan and that price makes my hair fall out thinking about it. I need to keep all the hair I can hold onto!

  3. No offense meant by the following EVA (you seem like a good guy if your post on the various forums are any indication), but it was the rabid Browncoats that totally turned me off to the series (and its subsequent film). When I dared mention I had never seen the series (I was working nights at the time), a group of fans in an online forum blasted me for it. This happened again at two sci-fi conventions later on. When I refused to participate in the letter writing effort to have Fox air the remaining episodes, you would have thought I kidnapped the Lindbergh baby or something. I was accused of “not caring about quality TV” and that I was “part of the problem.”

    I bought the DVD set at a post-Christmas sale a couple of years ago and finally watched the first couple of discs. What I saw was fun and reasonably well-written (though I don’t like that theme song at all), but I have yet to watch the rest of the set. Mainly because of time and partly because some petty part of me wants to deny the Browncoats that hassled me any manner of “I told you so” satisfaction. I know that’s idiotic and I’m sorry.

  4. I think Joss Whedon will buy them all up.

    I like Firefly, I got into it late in the game when I borrowed the DVDs from a friend of mine well after the series was cancelled. Its entertaining, and certainly depicts a future much different than that of the Star Trek universe.

    I’ve met some Browncoats myself, and their dedication and fervor is admirable, but personally I don’t think its all that big of a deal. Firefly is the only Whedon series I’ve ever gotten into, I’ve never watched Buffy, Angel or Dollhouse. I enjoy Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog however.

    I think I liked Firefly because it was sci-fi, and I’m a bit of a sci-fi snob, so it takes a lot for me to get into a show, so in that feat. Whedon got the job done.

    Price tag aside, I think you’d have to be a really dedicate/hardcore fan to buy her.

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