Mars Attacks Cosbaby Figures at Big Bad Toy Store

Man, these new 3-inch Mars Attacks Cosbaby figures look fantastic! I don’t think I’d have all that much interest in the full set, but a Martian Trooper or two could be a lot of fun.

Click to visit Big Bad Toy Store.
Click to visit Big Bad Toy Store.
Click to visit Big Bad Toy Store.
Click to visit Big Bad Toy Store.

I know the movie wasn’t all that great, but that doesn’t keep these Martian toys from looking extremely cute and deadly. And we can never forget that the original Mars Attacks trading card set (mentioned here) was fantastic and packed with beautiful art.

Click to visit Big Bad Toy Store.
Click to visit Big Bad Toy Store.

Up for pre-order now at Big Bad Toy Store.

1 thought on “Mars Attacks Cosbaby Figures at Big Bad Toy Store

  1. We think too much alike. I’m planning on getting a few of these. The old Mars Attacks figures were awesome from Trendmasters, I don’t know why I was so stupid and didn’t buy a million.

    Sadly they go for big bucks now on Ebay.

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