A Bad Start to my Bowen Designs Membership

Last month I mentioned that I had joined the Bowen Designs Collector’s Club (mentioned here). I did so specifically for the 20% discount on the then-announced Hydro Iron Man statue that looked cool enough that I was willing to pre-order him. After all, the 20% off was greater than the cost of the membership so joining the club seemed like an experiment worth trying in 2011.

Click to visit Bowen Designs!

Unfortunately, a few days ago I was notified that my pre-order was cancelled and that the statue would now be an exclusive to Diamond. Quite annoying, since I’m now forced to either order (without discount) from someone else or just skip the statue. And even more annoying because there are currently no statues or busts at the Bowen Designs website that I want so I’m left with a club membership that just sits there unused.

I’m not ready to throw up my hands and call the experiment a waste of time and money, but I am saying that we’re off to a rocky start. The best I can do is keep an eye on them and see if anything else pops up this year that interests me enough to order it from the site.

1 thought on “A Bad Start to my Bowen Designs Membership

  1. damn that sucks! i tell if a company pulled crap like that id try to get my money back for the membership. if they do this now they’ll probly pull crap on ya everytime

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