A Geek in an Airport

I travel quite a bit, as anyone reading battlegrip.com for more than a few months knows, and I often bring along books. But I also look at the various books and trade paperback collections that are sold in airport bookshops and news stands, and one thing I’ve decided is that the selection — when it comes to sci-fi/fantasy and comics — is random.

Sure, there are always Star Wars book and comics. Superman and Batman are never missing. And the airports always have the latest movie adaptations and “based on the comic!” books.

But after that things start to get weird. For example, I’ve spotted ten year old trades, books that have been clearanced at every store on the planet, and lately a hell of a lot of IDW. I’m not sure what IDW did in the last year, but their distribution seems to have improved.

Good for them.

So what’s my point? No point. I’m just trying to be as random as the selections at every airport I’ve ever been in.