A Power Lords Art Book from the Four Horsemen?

Anyone who owns a copy of Barlowe’s Guide to Extraterrestrials* will be excited to hear that there’s a possibility of a Power Lords artbook featuring unseen artwork by Wayne Barlowe.

Over at the Power Lords Return website the Four Horsemen have shared a couple of pics, pics that tease all of us. It seems that Wayne Barlowe uncovered a collection of ancient artwork . . . and the Horsemen have only this to say:

While we aren’t able to share any of the contents of that folder (yet!) the Four Horsemen are looking into the possibility of putting out a book so that they can share these treasures with Power Lords and Wayne Barlowe fans.

Obviously I’m behind this idea. Not only will I buy a copy, but I’m willing to volunteer in any way needed to make the book a reality.

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3 thoughts on “A Power Lords Art Book from the Four Horsemen?

  1. After owning one of your books and really enjoying your PDFs and layouts, I would be thrilled to see you be a part of this.

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