A Power Lords Book?
One of the parts of the Four Horsemen’s Mythic Legions project is an art book, and seeing that in the project description has me again wishing for a Power Lords book. I’d love to see all of that classic Wayne Barlowe artwork, pics of the old toys, old advertising and promotional materials, and the newer Four Horsemen Power Lords toys in a single hardcover book.
Right now the only new Power Lords goodies are coming from the Four Horsemen’s webstore, but I can say here and now that I’d be all over a hardcover book. This is an open call for such a book, and if the Four Horsemen need assistance in designing and publishing such a book I’m here and ready. All of that material really needs to be in one book where I can enjoy everything in one place.

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- A Power Lords Art Book from the Four Horsemen? (battlegrip.com)
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I would buy a book.
@Stratos – I’m working on the guys and trying to convince them that this needs to happen. A book of Wayne Barlowe concept art for Power Lords? Yeah, this really needs to happen.