A Retail Miracle! Star Wars Black Boba Fett in a Store!!!
Clearly, the end of the world is coming. I found a Star Wars Black series (Amazon.com search*) Boba Fett action figure in a store. A real, live, honest-to-goodness physical store! And I don’t mean I had to go to Mexico (that was earlier this month) to find a Boba Fett in a store.

I must admit, though, that this entire post is not nearly as much fun for me now that Poe has decided to close down his site (news here). How can I get any true enjoyment out of poking fun at Hasbro’s poor distribution of the Star Wars Black action figures if Poe isn’t there to respond with a post of his own?
Okay, internet, it’s time one of you take up Poe’s role in this year-long exchange. Because right now I’m about to say the line has completely and totally failed since Poe isn’t there to post a counterpoint to my own brief bursts of nonsense on the subject.

Related articles
- Boba Fett Illustrated (battlegrip.com)
- Star Wars Black Boba Fett, Peg Warmer! (battlegrip.com)
- Star Wars Black Boba Fett Possibly One of the Greatest Action Figures Ever Made (poeghostal.com)
I haven’t bit yet, but I saw all of wave 1 at one time in stores. I’ve never seen Boba Fett. I can’t recall seeing Han either, though Greedo and Leia are prevalent. I think I’ll pick up a regular Stormtrooper when the next wave comes out. I hope it doesn’t get scarce due to army builders (if there’s such a thing yet for this line.)
@Jonny – I’ve maybe now seen seven or eight Boba Fetts in stores. It’s not an easy figure to find.
I gave up finding one in the store and bought one off amiami. The same as the NA box but with some Japanese stickers slapped on it.
I was at a convention over the weekend and several booths were selling Boba Fett for $60.
I have still yet to see another Boba Fett in stores. I am certainly glad I did not hesitate to pick him up.