A Return to the Cure Boogie-Man Thread at Skullbrain

The Boogie-Man was first mentioned here at battlegrip.com in October of 2010 (first mentioned here), and since that post I’ve only managed to snag one of the Cure Toys (website) vinyl toys. This is for two very simple reasons:

  1. These are scary expensive.
  2. The coolest designs are impossible to find.
Visit Cure Toys!

The best place to look at these gorgeous vinyl toys is this thread at Skullbrain. But as with a lot of the designer toys on the market the real danger of looking at photos is that you may find yourself at other websites looking to buy a toy or two. Well, in the interest of making these just slightly more tempting for all of us I thought I would post to a few sites that sometimes have Cure vinyl toys for sale. You can thank me after you finish cursing me.

Well, hell. A “list” of one site is pretty lame, but digging around I’m not finding any other sites that have the toys available. Well, your other choice to see these is the “cure” search at toybot studios, so I suggest looking over there for more photos.

I’ll be digging into the web and wishing I could find a dozen or so of these for insanely cheap prices.

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