A Visit to the Dallas Vintage Toy Store
I’ve written about (and posted photos from) the Dallas Vintage Toy Store before (2009 visit, 2011 visit), and yesterday I found myself back at the shop in search of fun toys. I grabbed a few eighties Transformers toys, a Go-Bots lunch box, and I bought a Go-Bots Guardian Command Center in pretty good shape (see toyarchive.com). That Go-Bots playset is very likely to appear in a few reviews and photos here at battlegrip.com, so I figured I had better warn all of you now.

If you are ever in Dallas you have got to swing by the Dallas Vintage Toy Store. It does not look like a store at all; it’s on the sixth floor of an office building so don’t be too surprised when you go there. They have an insane number of toys and I suggest taking cash and leaving the credit cards at home; otherwise you’re likely to spend more than you plan to.

Related articles
- Reviews of Unofficial Transformers Toys and Accessories at Battlegrip (battlegrip.com)
- FansProject Assaulter at Kapow Toys (transformingcollections.com)
- BattleGrip Review – Targetroids Hot Flame (transformingcollections.com)
Hah, that Megatron art is awesome.