Affiliate Link – 12-Inch Scale Thrawn on Sale
Sideshow has put their 12-inch scale Grand Admiral Thrawn* Star Wars action figure on sale, so any of you who loved the Heir to the Empire series of books* can now add Thrawn to your collection. I’m passing, but mainly because of the look of the face; I just don’t quite like what they did with the sculpt.

Thrawn’s genius manifested itself best in constructing strategies from mere fragments of information. Thrawn was able to locate one of Palpatine’s fabled storehouses, and there, found the technology necessary to begin growing a clone army. He found vessels for this army by discovering the long lost Katana Fleet. He recruited the maddened dark Jedi Joruus C’baoth and used his Force talents to better coordinate his scattered strikes. He also began to secure secret caches of cloned agents throughout the galaxy, ready to answer his call.