Affiliate Link – Captain America Classic Avengers Fine Art Statue
Earlier this year while I New York Toy Fair I spent some time drooling on Marvel statues in the Kotobukiya booth and even posted pics of the work here at (post here). Well, I may have slobbered all over their display cases at the show, but at least this Captain America Classic Avengers Fine Art Statue* is safe from me . . . for now. Actually, it’s safe for a long time because it isn’t scheduled for release until July of 2012. Man, some of these companies announce new releases way in advance.

Created in 1941 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby to represent the opposition to Nazi Germany, Captain America combined superhero stories with patriotism and the fight against oppression in the world. Captain America stands tall as a symbol of freedom and democracy , ever vigilant in the face of opposition. Captain America makes for a truly imposing and heroic image, and it’s made even better by offering you a choice in how you want to display him. Included with the statue are two heads so your Cap can wear his cowl or go bare-headed as Steve Rogers! The classic Captain America stands a stately 15-inches tall (1:6 scale). His rocky terrain base matches those in the Classic Avengers Kotobukiya Fine Art line!