Affiliate Link – Chronicles of Narnia Minoboar Maquette on Clearance
I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first Narnia movie — I definitely like the book better than the movie — but when a $150 statue like this Chronicles of Narnia Minoboar Maquette* drops to $25 I notice. That’s one hell of a good deal for Narnia fans and the design looks neat, but not neat enough for me to jump at the statue. Still, it’s too good of a deal for me not to notice it.

The nasty side of Narnia. This startling Minoboar Maquette is close to the final form the character takes in the film The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It has been cast directly off the original maquette used by Andrew Adamson and the Weta team during the design phase. A disgustingly faithful rendering of the rather despicable creature, it measures about 12-inches tall x 8 1/2-inches wide x 7-inches long. The Minoboar may be mega-nasty and dangerous in the extreme, but this distinctive sculpture is truly marvelous! It will trigger an onslaught of admiring looks as it sits on your desk or shelf.