Affiliate Link – Doctor Who Character Building Mini Figure Series 1 6-Pack
I have never been a Doctor Who fan. Even as a kid I thought the series was lame and dull, and as I grew older I never got interested in anything to do with the series. I remember reading one Doctor Who book when I was about ten, but I was reading everything I could get my hands on at the time so that doesn’t count.
So if I dislike Doctor Who so much then why do the figures in this Doctor Who Character Building Mini Figure Series 1 6-Pack* attract my imagination? I suspect it’s a combination of the minifig-like approach combined with trying to figure out the reasoning behind even creating these toys. I mean, does the manufacturer expect to appeal to LEGO fans, or is this just an attempt to mimic the success of the blind-bagged LEGO toys?

This Wave 1 Doctor Who Character Building Mini-Figure 6-pack contains 6 individually blind-packaged figures. Now you can collect and build your own Doctor Whomicro-figure collection. Characters may include: Eleventh Doctor in blue shirt, Eleventh Doctor in brown jacket, Amy Pond, Weeping Angel (serene face), Weeping Angel (screaming face), Cyberman, Red Dalek, Blue Dalek, Smiler (angry face), and Silurian General Restac. Each fully articulated microfigure is sealed within a secret bag, so you never know which Doctor Who Micro-figure you are going to get! Each highly detailed and collectable construction figure includes a Doctor Who display base and collectors leaflet highlighting all the characters available in Series 1. There are 10 micro-figures to collect. Ages 5 and up.
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Personally, I’m hoping to get the Dalek Army Building minis set. They don’t sell Dr. Who stuff here. So I’ll have to pay international shipping for ’em, brrrr.
I’ve got a few of the Character Builder figures. They’re really quite fun!