Affiliate Link – Figrin D’an Life-Size Bust
What a very unexpected choice for a $500 statue. Sideshow Collectibles is now taking pre-orders for this Figrin D’an Life-Size Bust*, and while it looks neat I never would have guessed that there were enough fans of this Star Wars musician to rate such an expensive collectible. Shows just how little I know about Star Wars fans.

Sideshow is proud to announce the latest addition to the STAR WARS Life-Size Bust series, Figrin D’an, leader of the Bith cantina band the Modal Nodes. Capturing every detail of the Kloo Horn playing front man, each Figrin D’an bust is individually painted and finished, each with its own unique quality and detail that is the trademark of a handcrafted Sideshow Collectibles product. The Figrin D’an Life-Size Bust is a truly outstanding addition to any STAR WARS collection.

I always read that as ”Frigging Dan…”