Affiliate Link – Hobgoblin Polystone Statue
I’ve posted a couple of Hobgoblin toy reviews here at — McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy, Hobgoblin Landglider and Marvel Universe Hobgoblin — but neither one is as amazing as this Hobgoblin Polystone Statue* that’s up for pre-order at Sideshow Collectibles. But then neither one came anywhere close to costing me $300, so it’s only fitting that this statue look so impressive.

Joining the Sideshow Collectibles Marvel line is the Hobgoblin Comiquette. Each piece is individually painted and finished with its own unique quality and detail that is the trademark of a handcrafted Sideshow Collectibles product. Presenting the Spider-Man foe flying high on the goblin glider in approximately 1:5 scale, The Hobgoblin Comiquette is the perfect addition to any Marvel display.

16-inches tall and limited to 600 pieces, looking at this I continue to scratch my head trying to figure out just how anyone makes a profit with these massive statues. $300 is a lot, yes, but that $300 has to go to sculpting, licensing, manufacturing, shipping, promotions . . . basically everything you can imagine that is required to make and sell a product. But they must know what they’re doing, because Sideshow keeps releasing truly impressive statues. And if the size of their booth at SDCC was any indication of the company’s health then I have to say they’re doing very well.