Affiliate Link – iOgrapher Phone Case

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I’ve been creating more and more videos, sharing them on YouTube and the BattleGrip Facebook page, and learning a lot more about the process as I experiment with new things. One of the reasons I’ve managed to create more videos over the last few months is that I ran across the iOgrapher phone case* and it totally made shooting video easier. I’ve used the case since around February, and I can report that it makes my iPhone a far more effective video camera because of the stability of the case. Being able to attach it to a tripod — or even mount a microphone and light to the camera — make the case even more useful.

What makes the case even more incredible is the ability to use lenses. The case is compatible with 37mm lenses, and the kit I purchased came with a wide-angle lens and a 2x telephoto lens, and I bought a 3.5x telephoto lens* before flying out to Hong Kong and have been giving it a try.

I had toyed with video off and on, but it was this iOgrapher phone case* that made me actually start shooting more video and learning more about the process. Totally recommended if you use an iPhone — or an iPad, since they made iPad cases — and you’ve been wanting to take a stab at creating videos.

Expect to see some video from my Hong Kong trip . . . and shot with my iPhone!