Affiliate Link – Marvel Universe Masterworks Sentinel
Marvel Universe fans, keep your eyes on store shelves and online stores because the next large-size figure is scheduled to release in the next month or so. And now the new Marvel Universe Masterworks Sentinel* is up for pre-orders at Entertainment Earth. At 19-inches tall this giant’s going to take a lot of space in any collection . . . and just imagine what’s gonna happen to those people who decide they need more than one.

Watch out, X-Men! This massive machine is here to arrest and capture mutants, good or evil! As such, it might be a good idea to keep him boxed in your collection so this 19-inch tall, articulated android won’t steal your toys. As an added bonus, this boxed figure includes a 3 3/4-inch Wolverine. Don’t miss this one, it’s one of the biggest things Hasbro has ever done for Marvel!
would like 5 but at $60 i guess he’ll be a super sentinel in my head. maybe the’ll make smaller attack ones. of coarse a wolverine is included. why not a beast or proff x??
@joem – I suspect it’s Wolverine because they already have the tooling. A new character would make this even more expensive.
doesn’t make it right
@joem – It’s really a matter of balance when it comes to this sort of thing. At the office I often have to weigh the value of items vs the cost of production. I can understand why Hasbro does what they do (though personally I would rather have no small figure and just the Sentinel).