Affiliate Link – Progressions: The Art of Jon Foster

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I had a fun exchange with Paulo Bacigalupi about art a few days ago on Twitter after mentioning that I was waiting on the limited editions of Ship Breaker* and The Drowned Cities*. You see, both books were illustrated by Jon Foster, and I happen to have had the luck of working with Jon on an artbook many years ago.

Progressions: The Art of Jon Foster*, an 80-page hardcover of his work, was a blast to work on and I count myself lucky that when we were running Cartouche Press I got to select so many great artists to work with. Maybe one day in the future I’ll get the time and budget to try running an art publishing division again . . . I definitely know more about book and fiction publishing now than I did a decade ago.

Jon Foster’s art is dark, beautiful, and visually overpowering. From his Dark Horse Comics’ Star Wars covers to his game industry work on Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition and Alternity, Foster always knows how to move the soul of the viewer. Progressions features a selection of Foster’s paintings, sketches, and illustrations and is a must have for anyone who has ever admired art.

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