Affiliate Link – Star Trek TNG Power Plate Electrical Outlet Cover
Have you got a game room that could use a little more nerding-up? Well, this new Star Trek TNG Power Plate Electrical Outlet Cover* may be the perfect item to turn any room into your house into geek central . . . but don’t blame me if you start searching for more geek-themed outlet covers after getting a look at this insane — but fun! — piece.

Future-ize your home! Beam your living space into the future with this colorful switch plate featuring graphics based on the Power Plate from Star Trek. Dilithium Crystals may not power you, but you can bring the dream into your home! The cover plate says

”EPS CONDUIT. PLASMA FLUX HAZARD.” It’s for standard dual-electrical-outlet plates and measures about 5-inches tall x 2 3/4-inches wide.