Affiliate Link – Star Wars Clone Wars Cad Bane Statue
Gina and I have been working our way through season two of The Clone Wars over the last few weeks and I’m loving it. The stories are darker than I expect from a show for kids and everything about it — but especially the clones — is what I wanted from Star Wars prequel movies.
And Gentle Giant (website, Twitter) is taking advantage of the popularity of the series with this Star Wars Clone Wars Cad Bane Statue* that’s available from Entertainment Earth. Looks cool, but I’m playing it safe for the moment and avoiding it.

Here comes Cad Bane, a key character from Season 2 of The Clone Wars. This limited edition Cad Bane Statue comes hand numbered out of 850 pieces, with a matching certificate of authenticity. Strikingly cast in high-quality polystone, the Star Wars maquette stands 9 1/2-inches tall and is hand painted to Gentle Giant’s rigorous standards. Add this favorite freelancer of the Empire to your gang of cutthroats! Ages 13 and up.
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I HATE 99.9% of everything about Clone Wars, mostly because it completely screws up already established and better canon stories, but I do like Cad Bane, hopefully he’ll bleed into the regular expanded universe. Also, I’ve had friends who have kids argue with me about Clone Wars being terrible, saying it’s a good place to get new fans started. And I guess that’s true, but it amuses me to think that if this is their first exposure to SW, kids are going to be a bit disappointed when they watch ROTS and see their hero who always saves the day kill little kids and the Jedi he went on dozens of adventures with. Actually, hope you kids don’t have a favorite Jedi in general. Kit Fisto’s such a wacky aquatic fellow, surely no harm will come to…oh, there goes his head. Well, Plo Koon would certainly never die so easily…and his fighter just got vaporized. Well, everybody loves Aayla Secura…wow, they are really shooting her body a lot…