Affiliate Link – Star Wars Han Solo in Carbonite Silicon Tray
When I was a kid I used to freeze my Star Wars action figures; I learned at a young age that glass glasses filled with water and left in the freezer doesn’t work. Anyway, it seems fitting that today I’ll get the chance to freeze more Star Wars stuff, but this time the object I plan to forget in the cold is made for the freezer. This upcoming Star Wars Han Solo in Carbonite Silicon Tray* will give us “frozen Han”-shaped ice cubes, which is pretty damned goofy and incredible. And fun, which is what really matters.

Here comes innovative Star Wars kitchen product coming to you from a galaxy far, far away. This time around the fun gets frosty with the Han Solo in Carbonite silicone tray. Perfect for everything from family fun to Star Wars themed parties, these handy trays let you capture ice, chocolate, jelly, or anything else you can think of in the familiar shape of Jabba the Hutt’s prized possession.