Affiliate Link – Star Wars Speederbike Kustomz Statue on Sale
Damn, this Star Wars Speederbike Kustomz Statue* looks awesome. And 50% off is a fantastic savings that makes me want to click “BUY!” right now . . . but I will be responsible and leave the statue on the web and save the $35. Damn taxes and new living room . . . and damn me for being a responsible adult. But just because I’m responsible doesn’t mean that you have to be. This would look great in the living room, though.

How’d you like to ride this to work every day? Scout troopers do. They are lightly-armored but highly-mobile Imperial Stormtroopers usually assigned to planetary garrisons. They rely on speeder bikes and other high-speed personal transports to patrol perimeters, perform reconnaissance missions, and scout enemy locations. Inspired by urban vinyl and artists around the world, this cleverly stylized statue stands 7-inches tall and 12-inches long. And did we mention that it features Ewok “kill marks” on the side? Well, it does! Limited edition.