Affiliate Link – The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Star Wars Action Figures, 1977-1985

When I got home on Saturday my pre-ordered copy of Mark Bellomo’s The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Star Wars Action Figures, 1977-1985* was waiting for me . . . and wow! Lots of photos, info on the toys, and even info on the characters makes this one hell of a great addition to my library. It’s going to take me weeks to work my way through this, but already I can tell that it’s much better than some of the earlier Star Wars action figure guides I’ve bought in the past.

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And yesterday, while I was working on refining one of the sections in Each Sold Separately (Kickstarter page), I referenced the new guide and got lost in reading it. My plan had been to compare one bit of info in the book to another book, but once The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Star Wars Action Figures, 1977-1985* was in my hands it took longer to set back down than I had expected.

Great job, Mark! I’m very happy that I pre-ordered this title.