Affiliate Link – Toys!: Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions

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The revised and expanded edition of Toys!: Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions* was published last year and adds Hot Wheels, Monopoly, Scrabble, and four other sections to an already fun book. I own both the original and revised and can happily recommend that you grab either; the extra material in the newest edition isn’t so vital that the original edition is no longer fun.

Have you ever wondered who invented Lego, Mr. Potato Head, or toy trains? In Toys! are the fascinating stories behind these toy inventions and many others. Learn why the see-saw was popular with the Romans, how the Slinky was used during the Vietnam War, and the reason Raggedy Ann has a red heart on her chest that says “I love you.” From dolls and checkers to pinball and the modern video game, there’s a wide selection here for boys and girls alike.