Affiliate Link – Toys!: Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions

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I’ve mentioned Toys!: Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions* before, and I even own both editions of the book because it’s such a fun read. The book explores the history of a variety of toys, both general and specific, and the bibliography alone is worth the cost of the book if you’re looking to research Play-Doh, Hot Wheels, Silly Putty, and many other classic toys.

The Play-Doh chapter, for example, summarizes the history of the toy in only four pages, making this a useful tool if you’re looking to hit the highlights and gain a broad understanding of the toy’s history. Books like Timeless Toys* are more colorful and involved, but for a snapshot of the development of several different toys I can say that Toys!: Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions* is a good starting point.

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