Affiliate Link – Transformers Combiner Wars Menasor

The Transformers Combiner Wars Menasor is now on sale at*, with the set reduced in price by 33%. With six different robots in the box that’s over $10/toy, meaning that you can instantly increase the size of your Transformers collection at a good price. These Generation Two colorways don’t appear to have been all that popular, and now we’re left watching to see if the prices will drop more. I suspect they will; I see other sites also putting these sets on clearance, and that tells me we’ll probably see the price drop to $50 or less fairly soon.

Buy at!*

There’s a whole force of Decepticons in this pack and they’re spoiling for a fight with their Autobot enemies. Whether these sneaky Decepticons are in robot mode or vehicle mode, they’ll attack with everything they’ve got! And when that’s not enough, they’ll combine to form a massive, unstoppable Menasor figure!

5 thoughts on “Affiliate Link – Transformers Combiner Wars Menasor

  1. Is it wrong that I only liked Dead End from this series? I just found the rest, particularly Motormaster, to be underwhelming.

  2. This set primarily appeals to a very narrow and specific demographic – adult Transformers collectors who always desired to own the unreleased set of Generation 2 Stunticons from the ’90s. This set finally made that dream (mostly) a reality, and I was stoked to own it. But for most people, it’s probably just a strange and unnecessary variation.

  3. This (nifty) set primarily appeals to a very narrow and specific demographic – adult Transformers collectors who always desired to own the unreleased set of Generation 2 Stunticons from the ’90s. This set finally made that dream (mostly) a reality, and I was stoked to own it. But for most people, it’s probably just a strange and unnecessary variation.

  4. I really hate the Generation 2 Colorways and I’m sure I’m not alone. If the set was available in original colors I would own most of them with no problem, but as is it is just better to get the figures separate in my case.

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