Affiliate Link – Transformers Generations Voyager Wave 2
The Transformers Generations Voyager Wave 2* case is now available for pre-order at Entertainment Earth and, as mentioned in my Fall of Cybertron Soundwave review, one of the two new toys is a repaint/retool of the Soundwave mold. Now to crack open Soundblaster and start trying to decide whether or not I like the mold enough to grab Blaster once he is released.
And Grimlock? Obviously I’ll have to grab Grimlock. So much for Hasbro’s plans to eliminate the Dinobots from their revisionist Transformers worlds.

For millions of years, Autobots and Decepticons have waged war against one another for control of Cybertron. Today, you can bring home some of their biggest heroes with the Transformers Generations Voyager Figures! These exciting toys transform from a vehicle (or dinosaur) to a robot that measures roughly 8-inches tall. Get your Cybertronians now! Ages 5 and up.
This fantastic case includes 4 individually packaged figures (subject to change): 3x Grimlock and 1x Blaster with Steeljaw.
Grimlock I have been looking forward to for some time & he’ll be replacing my Classics Grimlock. This Grimlock is the large, imposing, robotic T-Rex that I want Grimlock to be. I have the blaster for the Generation 1 Pretender Grimlock & if this Grimlock has the same size hand holes, he’ll be getting that weapon as well. Blaster I might get as I could use a good version of him, but that depends as well.
So, the deluxe Soundwave body is now considered a Voyager figure? I don’t think I can buy Blaster just on principle.
Grimlock will be mine because I just can’t resist the big lug.
Crud, I didn’t see your Soundwave review. So it is a newer bigger body. However, after looking at your review I’ll still skip Blaster.